Sunday, February 3, 2008

Time Print

I have had many revelations about my writing in the last 24 hours. I haven't slept in days and I've only been eating raw foods except for an occasional red stripe or two....I've been sleeping in little spurts.

I know what this is since I've been on vision quests before...with John Two Birds.

Owl Hawk.

There is much to learn from the animals if only we become the scientist and observe their behavior. It is so obvious and yet there are many veils covering our eyes and we are slowly revealing the layers, one by one...

Owl teaches us to ask the question, of who....who is calling? Who is it?

Hawk carries many messages including rise above your situation...spirit is calling. Are you home?

I am changing how I write and I want to introduce a few techniques I've created along the way...You'll notice them because I'll bring your attention to them, to teach you what to look for.

It's hard to observe animals without a field guide.

So maybe I'll look at my writings as a scientist examining man kind...really, I'm looking for kindness and I am the last one who believes it still exists...a noble quest.

I digress.

Here are the facts:

I write out of order, so if you want to read something of mine, pick it from the title on the side don't have to read it in order.

time prints are moment that I have epiffianies or when I want to make a point. They remind me of my mother because she taught me over and over and over again to cover my ass. Document everything and it is because of her that I am free enough to sit in a Starbucks at 7:30 AM listening to the blues having a hot cup of coffee loving my I do a time print to honor my mother for her wisdom. And to have some proof because I think I'm getting ready to rattle a few cages...

My desire is to only rattle my cage....

The cage only gets rattled a couple of times and then it stops and we are at a new, deeper place.

Thus the time print....

To remember our progress.

7:34 AM

Here are a few other things I am willing to do.

I am willing to write everyday at the same time especially when under extreme duress.

I will allow the world to witness my insanity. May it be used as a gauge to measure your own sanity.

If you see me, say hello. I live on another plane a lot of the time these days and if you don't wave a shiny object in front of my eyes, like your smile, then I won't see you. Please let me know that you see me.

All criticism against my writing must be done in public. I hate criticism and do not respond well to it at all. Feel free to call my references and ask about that...I have a temper. All kitties do.

Study the lion and the fish. I am both.

Accept that I see your beauty in all men and sometimes my cravings for you are so strong I do not know what to do and so I meditate and pray for guidance that you will find me and bring me back home to the warm tranquil waters from whence it came.

Oh, and remember that I come from a crazy family. I will only speak about my sisters up to a point....I will not humiliate my sisters, they have paid their fare and I'm picking up the rest of the tab. I got it covered for them.

And I like to leave a big tip.

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