Monday, February 4, 2008

Hitler Techniques. Part II

I know how I sound and I can see the worry in your eyes and I ask you, kindly, please let me finish this point and I will not bring it up again...


Who believes in reincarnation? I do. I was raised in a family that was very progressive in all areas but we did not realize how far ahead of the program we were and I thought we were just different. I am from a family of circles of and my two sisters, my mom and her two sisters, her mom and her two sisters and her mom and two sisters...and on and on and on.

One of the gifts that people don't discuss in public without rolling their eyes are psychic abilities: intuition...a woman's intuition. How does a woman know when a man is cheating? He covered his tail, changed his clothes, took a shower, paid cash, covered all his steps and still his woman knew he was messing around on her.

How did she do it?

What is the answer? Woman's Intuition.

Do men have intuition? Of course. Why give one sex a gift and not an equal gift for the other? Seems unfair and if we agree that we are created in god's image and if god looks like me and if I get to think like god for just this sentence, then I can say...hell no! If I have two genders, then both get the same amount of separation. So if we agree, then let's agree in mathematical terms so we can reefer back to it to see our work

Men's Intuition = Women's Intuition

Remember that point and let us move forward from this point in agreement. Agreed?

Mythology teaches us that the intuitive arts are handed down from the women's side of the family. I know this because I come from a long line of psychics who support themselves with this craft but do it undercover because the Catholic Church stole the power from the women when they invented the Virgin Mary story.

NOTE: Dear Conspiracy Theorists, this is where I need your help. Father Damien, can you handle this area for me? [Is your book ready to be published yet because i need to read it!] Anne, we know you are the best with the conspiracy theory, but you need to rest now and Father Damien is a real priest and he does my hair! Finally a useful trade for a priest!

Using a veil but calling it a virgin birth will empower the men to remind them that they are the stronger sex and that the natural order of things are that Men dominance Women. Wouldn't that be a way for one of the sexes to take control of a situation? Invent a story about a savior and fill it with all sorts of this and that about wine and fish and dinner parties and some woman who didn't even have a house, no body around and she had to have her perfect baby in a barn.


Let's recap so we stay together unraveling this puzzle in theory...

Man and Woman are equal and psychic abilities exist but have remained hidden under the woman's veil for a couple thousand of years. The catholic church invented the virgin Mary story to take advantage of the followers who gave everything they have to help the true prophet, Jesus Christ.

Note: this is just for argument's sake. This is not my opinion, just a theory like JFK, UFO's, Spontaneous Healing, Yeti/Big Foot, Chupracabra, Government Conspiracies, The Federal Reserve, The IRS, The Female Orgasm and all other fairy tails we agree are equal.

Okay remember this point:

Time Print
1:59 PM
Pompano Beach FL

The Virgin Mary story is just a story just like Big Foot.

Virgin Mary = Big Foot


We agree then that all the stories that have conspiracy theories behind them are all equal and it is possible that we do not know the truth about these issues. We are agreed.

Moving forward, together.

Imagine then that the Virgin Mary Story is equal two the Mary Magdala story in the Bible.

Virgin Mary = Mary Magdala

Imagine then that psychic powers exist and the Catholic Church only acknowledges under their robes that it is true. They deny that they molest little boys, so why wouldn't they deny that women hold intuitive powers too....and that those intuitive powers are strong in women.

That's a scary thought.

Imagine that a man posses awesome psychic abilities and can see many things in his dreams and he does not know what to do with all this information so he just sits there and does nothing because he cannot figure out all the bunny trails and he cannot tell which part of the dream was true because part of the dream seemed so real. IT seemed so real and some things happened and it kind of scared him because he did not know what to do with that information and so he got scared a lot.

Let's say this awesome power came from a young man.

Imagine this young man reached out to his brother for help and his brother denied him because he did not know for sure, in the body, if the information was true or not.

Are we still together?

We are talking about a man-child who has awesome psychic abilities but is unaware of it and so he does not know what he is doing...he is floating around out there, drifting, smoking too much weed, playing too many video games, jerking-off too much, watching a lot of porn, and really just sitting on his ass doing nothing.

No Thing.

Still with me?


Let's give these charactors some names then so we can refer back to them...because if you look up, we've come pretty far down the bunny trail and I haven't even gotten to the punch line yet.

Names (we'll stay in the bible because there are so many pages and a book that big has got to be good for something, right?):

The Older Brother = Jesus

The Psychic Brother = Judas

We agree on all these points....okay.

Now, back to the girls and psychic powers...

Imagine if you will the city of Jerusalam a couple thousand years ago and you're a woman and you meet these incredible guys who are not only hot, but they are psychics and they are predicting shit and they are right on target and then you get in their loop and you jump right have this awesomely strong power that is overwhelmingly intoxicating and yet creates feelings of insanity.

Now the hot chicks names were the same, Mary. A good name and many of the men's names were similar too. There were a lot less Chaquita's and Formicha Dinettes back in those days. Lots of Mary's, Johns, Paul's, Peter in the bible but there is only one Judas.

We know what happens from all those animation specials right around the time of the festival of lights, right? Good. Let's cut to the chocolate scene.

Jesus speaks his truth and gets nailed to a cross for having another point of view that did not agree with the typical doctrine at that time.


Three days on the cross and he's drinking vinegar all the time (which kinda tastes like Komboucha) and he is pulled down and put in a cave to rest for a few days.

Did he die on the cross?

What were his injuries?

Hands and Feet.

Life Threatening Doctor?


So someone sees him die or lies and says that they said he was dead and they put him in that cave right over there. That one.

Still with me?

This is all theory now....and conspiracies are not my specialty, especially in the Bible. I have some serious opinions about that, but we are discussing this like musicians analyzing a music chart. You all have to be on the same chart before you can jam together. Especially if we are playing anything besides the blues.

Note: the blues requires very little skill. You need only 12 bars of music and three chords at the most. 1 = tonic + 4 = subtonic + 5 = dominate and back to 1 = root. The easiest music to play in the world, the hardest to intrepret because everyone must listen to each other when they play. That's why I hate to play the blues. I have had to listen all the worst musicians in the world butcher the worlds most simple form of music and smudge the sky with noise pollution.

With me?


Imagine that Mary Magdala wasn't Jesus's Whore, but his friend. And what if she was in love with his brother who's name was Judas. And what after 2 days, not 3 that Judas and some of his friends helped Mary M. come up with a plan to save Jesus's life because he was really tired and it did take a lot of energy to stay up there on the cross drinking vinegar all day long and he really needed a nice long rest for a while.

What if Mary M. and Judas were lovers and she wasn't his brother's whore? What if the two conspired to relocate Jesus to India where he could meditate, pick-up some beautiful woman to spend the rest of his life meditating on a mountain top and talking to Krishna?

I mean, if Jesus is going on vacation and he just got nailed off a cross, and there were no Starbucks to visit to have a cup of coffee and gather your thoughts, what is he gonna do? They are living in the now so they can't visit the ruins since they were in pretty good shape back then and the pyrimids are always an option but it is so dusty there. Yes and how many camels do we have to get there darling? Oh no... let's go have some Tiki Masala and let's stop eating beef for a while. Let's see what happens when we meditate?

Sounds good then.

Then we are agreed.

Jesus packs his bags and on the 2nd day he leaves (after a long nap.)

Mary gets back to the cave, hires some guys on day 3, rolls back the stone and POOF!

He's gone!


Where'd he go!

Hello? Jesus? You in there? Helllllllooooooooooo?


Let us agree then that Mary was the best psychic in the world and Judas was good but they really were just super attracted to each other and just wanted to do it all day long, but there was this other connection too...not just physical, but psychic too. And what if that really threw her for a loop? What if it stopped him dead in his tracks?


But first: Then Mary and Judas agree that they are in love or they are twin spirits. Kindered spirits. Twin souls that happened to meet because of some circumstance that neither one expected and the more they denied that they were right for each other, then the stronger the frequency buzzing in the brain.

An actual physical reaction?


In the brain.

Science = Poetry in motion

Mary and Judas hook-up, cut their losses and move to Italy...or France...but I really think it was Italy.

There they have 3 daughters who have awesome powers of psychic abilities and the begin a new chain of command of psychic powers.

The power of 3...the 3 daughters are strong and are taught how to use the power they possess. And as we populate the earth, the number of souls incarnating increase and are required to be replenished to keep up with the number of bodies that Mankind is producing and things are growing along nicely at an easy pace and then all of a sudden mankind makes a discovery.

The steam engine.

Mankind masters machine and business starts to grow.

Good business means more money.

More money means fat happy people.

Fat happy people make more babies.

More babies to work in the factories.

Babies working everywhere.

People start to shop.

Women get some power back because of the war [here's where I'd insert Hitler, but I got another point to make, so we'll come back to Hitler another day]

Men die in WWII.

Millions of Jews die.

Women get stronger.

Women remember that they knew how to do stuff.

Women realize that men are terrible planners.

Women look around and say, "What the fuck happened here? I left this room 3 minutes ago and look at the mess you made?"

Mankind did not hear them.

Mankind taught themselves how to ignore the woman's voice.

So many women beaten by men.

How many men do you read about being beaten up by women in the news? Not as many, but it happens. I know that women are violent. I was raised in violence and carved in cedar walls 1000 times for help from god over and over and over and over and over again.

My violent beatings came from a woman.

A woman who seemed possessed by the devil.




Note: Women are not the only people on planet earth to speak crazy-talk. Native American warriors specialized in it. Their leader who was the best speaker was called "Crazy Horse". This is important for me to point out and I promise to speak more about Crazy Horse soon since I have spoken with him recently and he has a lot to say.

REmember the power of is strong.

Jesus + Mary + Judas = christianity? what did they really do, anyway? All their words got turned around, misunderstood and now look at the mess this planet was much fighting and all they wanted to do was talk about love. What's the matter with love, anyway? And Jesus learned some incredible skills in India. He can meditate for days, no weeks, no YEARS on end!

Mary and Judas have kids but past performance predicts future performance. I learned that from Jan Vandervort...national all-star store team leader at Whole Foods Market 6 times and I studied under her for 3 years. I was he right hand. Why were we such a perfect fit? Because we read each other's mind. We had a super-strong spiritual connection...and there was some other connection there that was mixed between agression and passion. Both so similar....

Sorry, I promised not to digress but it is hard for me to go slowly since I have had this serious headache for like 3 months now....

Cut to modern day.

A woman gives birth to the world's most identical twins ever born. So identical are they that one time one of the twins was out on a boat and got knocked in the head so hard that the other one who was many miles away fell at the exact same time and banged her head so hard that she had a pool of blood in her brain. And the twin who was hit in the head so hard had no damage at all and the twin who wasn't hit ended up in the hospital and no one knew if she would even live. Teams of doctors came to see her because she did not receive a blow to the head and yet she fell with the force of the blow and it hit her so hard that she felt and experienced the incident.

It is a mystery how the twin connection works.

Imagine this now, and let us stay in agreement...please.

Imagine that this act was an act of god. And let us agree, just for the sake of argument, that the sister of those twins was god's most favorite child. It wasn't planned, it just happened that way. And for her to be god's most favorite child she had to make a deal and here's what she agreed to with God:
  • No more twin souls in the family. These people like to fornicate too much and we need to decrease the population to save the project.
  • Let's have the twins really learn to love each other which can be hard when the other is so opposite...light loving dark, hot loving cold, fast loving slow.
  • Let's get rid of the whole "soul mate" thing since there are way more good souls in women than in men and if we need to thin the herd, then we only need a few males to populate the world anyway and the sexual needs of men and women are so different. Men need sex daily, women bi-weekly or weekly or monthly or even yearly! (unless if you are me and then it is also daily.)
  • Lets agree that the one who spoke to god asked that the karma wheel be restored but not by having all the people relive all their pain, instead: let's create a karma team to clean it up. So every bad dead needs only one person to witness and draw attention to the bad karma and if one person get's it and changes their point of view then a new outcome could happen.
I know...I know...a lot of words. I am getting to the point. I am sorry if the details annoy you but I have learned, there are messages in all the words to someone. It may even be you.

Okay. Lets say there was one human being on earth who put the 3 together and studied like the worlds best student with krishna, christ and crazy horse. What do you get? A crazy woman!

No, really...what do you get when you combine the 3 philosophies together? An awesome concept to how we can change the path that our planet is going in...

So who should we invest in as the next savior? Why not pick a woman this time? Why not a whore? Let's reinvent Mary Magdala but let's be sure to include the arts this time.

And the dreams?

She gets messages in her dreams.

And the pain?

She gets messages in the pain.

And the laughter?

She gets messages in the laughter.

Maybe all this time she thought she was a leader but really she is a messenger?

And the point?

I am too tired to keep telling you this story. I haven't slept in 3 days and I got about 30 minutes of sleep last night and I had a terrible message and I am so tired, I haven't slept in days and all I've been really digesting is Komboucha.

And in this terrible dream I had last night there was a tumor in the brain. "...knocked him dead in his tracks..." is what I heard. I heard 3 names: Aaron. Eric. Sybil. What if at that moment she realized her worst fears were realized because her worst fear is that she was as violent as the mother and she always called her mother Sybil because you never knew what personality you would get when you got home and the beatings were so bad but what was even worse than the beatings was the sound of the twins being beaten. What if that was the real message? What if God didn't hear this most prescious child's call? What if God did let her do all the hard work and then just die? What if that is her path? A huge amount of talent and never recognized for what she contributes.

And you know what?

She doesn't want the recognition!

That is what Buck was for!!!

Pretty men need a lot of attention. That's why I don't date them. I need a thousand times more attention than them and that is why I have always preferred dating the mechanics, the janitors, the lay men of the world because they too knew what it was like to have their power stolen by the smiling devil. It's the blue eyes that give him away.

And what if all I really need is to somehow pack up all my shit, put it in storage, and pray that some strong men show up with beer and pizza because I am so fucking tired of all this shit and I don't care any more andn wouldn't it be so much easier if some asshole from whole foods would just marry me so I can have my insurance and discount because I am going to be terminated in 6 weeks and i have to pay for my cobra insurance and i think i have a tumor in addition to my PTSD and i have my 2 cats and i have to get my car back to the repo man and i gotta get the kitties to the vet and i have so much so much so much to do

And all i seem to be able to do is sit here and beg you to hear me?


Anonymous said...

Honey, your slippery-slope analogy is interesting but seriously misinformed. I suggest you study up on your Christian theology before you draw conclusions to things you do not understand.

Anonymous said...

-_- okay thanks. Anonymous entity.