Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Black Lola and the Living Martyrs

OH, Anne, I also forgot to mention that part of my healing of this PTSD is for me to write every day. The worse I feel, the more I write and the doctors both agree that I will get better...

So when I am packing boxes I get these ideas for bands and road shows and radio shows and they are great project ideas and I really want to do them.

So here is an idea for an awesome band:

Black Lola and the Living Martyrs and it will be a venue for us to showcase your talent? You can be Black Lola in stead of Avenging Annie.

Anyway, part of the show in this art fantasy is that I get to talk about Mom and share all her crazy stories....really, if you look at mom's behavior from another point of view, it is rather funny.

The interesting thing about being Martrs is that you have to live to witness the change. And we want you to LIVE and witness the changes so who knows what any of this means, but just think about Black Lola and the Living Martyrs for a while and let me know if we can bring Little Man on the road.

Just think about that....

Love you,


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Saint Sebastian, an iconic image of martyrdom.
Saint Sebastian, an iconic image of martyrdom.
The term martyr (Greek μάρτυς "witness") initially signified a witness in the forensic sense, a person called to bear witness in legal proceedings. With this meaning it was used in the secular sphere as well as in both the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible.[1] The process of bearing witness was not intended to lead to the death of the witness, although it is known from ancient writers (e.g. Josephus) that witnesses, especially of the lower classes, were tortured routinely before being interrogated as a means of forcing them to disclose the truth.

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