Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I've Pissed off Another One

Leslie read my blog, I assume, and she is pissed off at me. Oh well. It isn't the first time that someone is upset by my writings. It is a gift I have. We all have something, you know.

I pissed off Big Eddie and the Men, but they were pissed off for some other reason...and then the undercover cops started showing up at Starbucks early in the morning...I doubt if my blog had anything to do with that but you never know in this tiny town.

I apologize if I offended you Leslie. I asked if I could write about you and you said yes.

If you'd like to start your own blog and write about me, I encourage you to do so. Become outspoken. Voice your opinions. It is a good thing, even if we come from different points of view. I do not judge you for your ways and have enjoyed your company.

Be well Leslie. I wish you no harm.



Linda S. Silberman said...

Oh, I have told Karen, repeatedly that I have been writing about her and I said, "Are you sure you're okay with me writing about you?" and she said, "Oh yeah...you should write about me naked too!" I said, "okay." So dearest Karen, if you are upset with me, please don't be shy...tell me and let's work through it. You know how much I love you.


Anonymous said...

Oh, that is sad Leslie must feel that way, clearly, she's not proud of who she is. Because, I see nothing wrong with this situation.

OMFG your blog got cops in the house??? That's what im talking about. WHOOO HOO!!! YAY!

Linda S. Silberman said...

Oh yeah baby! Somehow the cops were onto some of the shady business going down by Big Eddie's men. Not him, though. He keeps his nose clean.

So maybe I have 3 readers now.


Anne S. said...

I think one of Big Eddie's men is an undercover cop! Maybe even the one who would come by and hold your hand?

Anonymous said...

man this is getting interesting, Lidna your blog is the shiznit.