Sunday, March 23, 2008

Christ, I feel like I've been dead for 3 days...

Me too Jesus!

I just woke up from a 15 hour nap. I felt pretty bad for Lisa (Anne's twin and both our sister) because she's been with Anne for so much more of this journey and I just arrived, exhausted. The transition that I've been making for this move cross-country, the whole work thing, my health in addition to Anne's surgery and recovery...well...who wouldn't need a nap after all of that?

I certainly did.

I visited Massage Envy in Northgate, and had an awesome deep tissue massage yesterday afternoon. After my massage all I could do when I got back to the house was say hello and go down for a little nap for 15 hours. Sound asleep. I think I could sleep for another 10 or so hours today too.

It is perfect Seattle napping weather: cold, rainy, damp. The kind of day where you stay in your jammies and watch movies drinking hot tea or cocoa and rest. Since it is Easter and all, Anne and I are watching "The Ninth Gate" a Roman Polanski film. Little Johnny Depp is so just wanna put him in your pocket.

Lisa is headed to church this morning so we've decided to watch the film while she is out. We don't want to offend. Lisa has a great sense of humor too but unleashing the devil on Easter? Well, that takes a certain kind of funny...not for the weak of heart. But Anne swears she's up for it so let's unleash the gates of hell. Just this once.

"Fight Club" is our Christmas movie.

Anne's feeling much better but the pain pills are running low. She'll be out by morning and there's no refill. The doctor told us to use Tylenol, but that seems a little cruel to me. I know people who have gone into the doctor and gotten ton of percocets. What the fuck is up with that? I'm not a pill I've said, my addiction is smoking. So those of you with pill addictions, I could really use some of your expertise on how you get the drugs quickly and cheaply. Remember, we got no insurance.

When we were getting ready to check out of the hospital, I met with Anne and her doctor to reviewed her drug treatment when at home. It took a good 20 minutes to review the 13 prescriptions. I asked about the drug combinations and how they were to be taken etc... Then I took the prescriptions downstairs to the hospital pharmacy and asked about how much it would cost for these two weeks of drugs.

The unfriendly pharmacy clerk did a quick estimate and said, "It'll be about a thousand dollars or so."

I asked, "Can we add it to our hospital tab?", you know, like at ClubMed or when you're staying at the Marriott.

She said, "Oh no. You gotta pay for it now!" she said as if I should have known this information.


I grabbed the prescriptions and went back to the room to find the social worker to help us get these drugs for free. Alas, no social worker was to be found and we paged her several times. But we are very lucky. Anne's attending nurse was kind and attentive and took care of the situation making sure the drug order was sent down with the proper paperwork and she got us our drugs for free.

So today I will trust that the right thing is in motion and we will find more drugs. I'm staying close to Aurora Avenue and there are lots of friendly prostitutes close by. Prostitutes tend to know pimps. Pimps know drug dealers. Drug dealers know where the drugs somehow something will workout.

Wake up Jesus, time to start a new religion!

So much love,
All the way from here...

1 comment:

Anne S. said...

I KNEW the skeezy perp walk would come in handy one of these days! Of course, ask the drug dealers for the drugs!! Brilliant!