Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Money Talks

"A hundred bucks says you can't sit there and keep yer fuckin mouth shut for one hour!" Big Ed holds a fresh hundred dollar bill up for the room to see he means business.

"I'm in for fifty!" says Connecticut Nick.

"FUCK ALL YOU FUCKS" Terry yells and storms out of Starbucks.

Laughter hits his back as he exits. Keri, the twenty-something store manager, approaches the group as we're all laughing. In her nicest way she says, "Ed, is there some way we can keep the F-bombs until after the sun rises? The language upsets the customers and it's a little loud."

"Please forgive me." he says to Keri in his softest tone.

"Linda, I'm sorry. Did I offend you?" Big Ed asks me as Keri stands in the center of the room. I am the customer she is referring to.

"All's forgiven Ed." I say.

He predicts to the men, "Watch. Watch this guy...he'll be right back."

"I'll sit here quietly for an hour for hundred bucks Ed." Chandler offers.

"I know you can fuckin sit for an hour without speaking Chandler! Why the fuck do you think I never offered it to you, you fuck!" Ed replies. Then he yells. "Sorry Keri!"

Moments later Terry returns to the group and sits off in the distance quietly. We all wait to see if he'll be able to take the money. I'm pulling for Terry. I want him to meet the challenge. Sitting in stillness has been a lesson that I've been learning while I pack my few things that I'll be taking with me on my move.

Echart Tolle speaks about the renunciation of all thought and the ability to be completely still in the present moment. This idea intrigues me. In AA they talk about taking one day at a time and that thought used to scare me. How can I possibly only deal with just one day? What about what is in front of me? How will I be able to survive? What will happen to me? What will happen if I don't plan? What will happen if I simply allow life to unfold?

Echart Tolle reminds me that there is perfect beauty in each moment and that the path to enlightenment is the release of all thought in exchange for accepting what is and that all the answers that you need will be provided in the exact moment that you require them.

Ultimately it is about trust. Trusting the divine. Trusting your intuition. Trusting your ability to make the right choice at the right moment. Trust that the right words appear. Trust that you will fine. Trust that you will heal. Trust trust trust.

If Terry were able to trust that he could sit quietly for an hour he would be $100 richer.

1 comment:

Anne S. said...

I bet you 100 bucks that this is the first time in the history of Western literature that Echart Tolle and the phrase "Fuck all you fucks" have ever been used together in the same essay.