Monday, January 28, 2008

Nothing to Say

I watched Natural Born Killers yesterday in honor of a friend. We've had a falling out and that is her favorite movie. I bought it for her as a holiday gift, but we have not connected and I figured if we were really going to be super-best-friends, then I need to know why this was her favorite movie.

So I watched it.

God, Woody Harrelson is so sexy! Oh baby! Damn! I love the male form!

Man. Men covered in blood...facing their demons. Good stuff.

What the hell have I been doing?

Same thing...but with no blood.

Looking the devil in the eye and holding his gaze...thus my experiences with Whole Foods...facing the smiling demon in the eye fearlessly, offering my soul if it will help heal the pains of mankind.

That's what women do for men.

Our roles have been all turned around since we have left the garden of eden. Men have forgotten how to commune together to get in touch with their demons and learn how to control them rather than having the demons controlling mankind.

Some men have learned how to control their demons, like Big Eddie. He see what triggers his demon, alcohol, and he has learned how to control it. He responds with integrity when facing his demons...oh sure, he'll still whack a guy for you, but it is with different intention. He is controlling the whacking, not the whacking controlling him.

Men learned these behaviors in the olden days when they needed to discover their own strength and this was done in ceremony and circle work. Men had community. Men went into the world on vision quests to see how they were to hunt, but they were trained and given skills to succeed. Hunting in a city requires fewer men thus, mankind has stunted its evolution. Men do not know where to learn how to become men so they look for that strength in the reflections of the womans eyes.

Through the eyes of a woman, a man can see their own strength. Through others eyes, they become stronger by witnessing the reflection. The witnessing process allows a man to feel stronger and to own that strength. It requires willingness on a man's part to face the demon that he knows is alive inside of him and growing.

The secret is that women must witness the man first since he cannot see. I must view men differently first. By changing my approach, the men in my life respond differently. This safety that is created between the union of man and woman creates healing space.

I see what they are doing...these fearless men. Facing your demons requires great strength, courage. I see your work. I see your love. I see your beauty. I see your truth. Thank you for allowing me to witness your growth. From this space you know what to do.

Time to stop allowing the demon to control you.

Time to control the demon.

And if you are not ready for that...just get an old convertible and meet me in the desert. But leave your guns at home. I got something more powerful for you baby! No blood shed allowed on my watch.

Thank you Jan for your favorite movie. It has taught me so much. I love and adore you so. It is my wish that we swim naked in warm waters very soon.

1 comment:

Anne S. said...

This makes no sense to me. "Through the eyes of a woman, a man can see". This lets men off the hook for their actions and puts the burden on women. It doesn't take gay men and women into effect.