Thursday, May 1, 2008

Looking for suggestions

I have too much time on my hands now and am uninspired to do most anything, especially write. That's no good. I've been told by all people from shaman to psychics to doctors to psychotherapists, "Take this time to heal..." and how do you do that exactly? By sitting around doing nothing? By wandering around aimlessly? By volunteering to help friends? Nothing feels right. Writing doesn't feel right and waiting doesn't feel right.

Mary the Psychic told me that it was my destiny to return to whole foods or another big corporation to be finally celebrated for all the gifts I have to offer...I hadn't even mentioned WFM or any of the work I did there, she just picked it up. I must say that is the most terrifying thought of all...returning to WFM or another type of big corporation. I don't fit in there and my creative gifts are not celebrated. They hadn't been in the past and one thing I did learn is that past performance predicts future performance.

But sitting here with only time and nothing of interest around me in the cold of Seattle doesn't feel right. Sure, I have great healing professionals here but they all tell me to just sit in it: feel what I am feeling. Well, I am feeling frustrated, tired of this period, sick of not having a purpose in life and with nothing to do but walk the dogs and feed them everyday.

Mark the Shaman assumes I am studying with him starting on Monday but for what purpose? He says I need boundaries. That's what the flower essence/acupuncturist/astrologer said too...that I have boundary issues.

I'm really sick of everyone telling me what they think. Anne has all sorts of ideas of how mentally insane I am, Lia is concerned because I appear depressed, Mom is worried because she thinks I am going to just run off "run away from my life..." yada yada yada...

The psychic says that I have put myself here and I can pull myself out.

I need an bigger than just riding the metro system...don't get me wrong, that is a huge daily adventure especially for your sense of smell. Eckhart Tolle says that there is only this moment...this moment of comfortablenesses is caused by resistance of what what is?

I am here with two dogs. It is cold, but there is sunshine which is an improvement. I am not hungry. My ass hurts from walking up so many huge hills. There is nothing to do that is of interest to I'll just sit here and listen for god.

So much love,
All the way from over here...


Anonymous said...

What about yard work? I could teach you. You might love the weed-wacker!!!

Anonymous said...

linda, whatever you do, dont be idle.....

that is not your character..... Do Something, okay?