Thursday, September 18, 2008


Cupcake land isn't a piece of cake. On so many levels I've felt like I've taken a huge step backwards both financially and certainly professionally and for what purpose? What is the goal? Is it to serve tasty treats baked in paper wrappers? And at what cost? Does it matter at all if we move forward or backwards in life and who decides which is a forward movement?

A man came into the cupcake shop and asked me how I could work in such a place and not gain a lot of weight. I told him that I didn't know and he needed to check back in with me in a couple of months since I was new and have lost nearly 170 pounds. We'll have to wait and see.

I then said to him in a very joking manor, "It's like putting an alcoholic in a liquor store. It will certainly be exciting to watch!"

He said, "Well, I could never work in a liquor store!" and he grabbed his jumbo hostess cupcake stashed neatly in the crisp white bag and stormed out of the store.

Angry alcoholics are everywhere.

I'd forgotten how many alcoholics substitute candy and cakes for their bottle of bourbon or box of wine and that many of the cupcake clientele were also a bunch of drunks. Whoops.

Honestly, I think a good business plan for this rapidly expanding cupcake shop would be to select locations near upity AA meetings. Starbucks has the coffee program down but their pastry selections are really hit-and-miss.

I am also sure that my quick wit and many, many inappropriate comments will offend people for the rest of my days. My vision is to offend locally at first then expand to offend globally...preferably in writing!

But the real question is, what am I doing with my life? And if I am going to look at that question then I suggest you ask yourself too, what are you doing with your life? Does it matter at all what kind of work I do? Does direction matter? Do I need to move up or down or this way or that way?

Quite frankly, I can serve alcoholics a cupcake shop or behind a bar. If I did it behind a bar, I'd make a hellofalot more money...that's for damned sure!

My point to moving to New York was to write and create an interesting lifestyle and I like how "working for cupcakes" sounds but the reality of being on your feet for 8 1/2 hrs everyday after an hour-long commute from three trains and having to get up at 4:30 AM for said shift....well, it ain't glamorous and the worst part is that I have access to hundreds of cupcakes and I have no friends to bring them to in New York! That's what really sucks.

No. I'm not happy with this choice. But something will change. Either I will find another job (and I'm looking) or I'll get fired for pissing one too many alcoholics off. While I wait for something else to happen...maybe I'll stop pushing myself to know and simply enjoy the cupcake ride while it lasts.

So much love,
All the way from over here...


Mickey said...

Well, I can't really comment directly to your post...

but one things for sure, the uppity cunt-bitch didn't lose her job after all!

- A - C - said...

How many meanings from a filled pastry
tormented thoughts
and laughable characters.
It's a privileged spot for a keen mind
to look at life
as if it were a play.


Lisa said...

Wow, -a-c-, nice poetry.

Linda, Time to take a moment and remember the importance of spiritual practice. You are not in control, the Universe is. And the more you TRY to control, the more it will feel as if you are OUT of control.

I suggest finding a spiritual home, or some grounding spiritual practice, and from there, the friends will arrive.

I love you.

Linda S. Silberman said...

AC: Thank you for the beautiful, wise prose. It is remain the observer is the best place to sit and simply watch the events unfold not identifying with what is happening. Message received! Thank you for the reminder.

Lisa: I hear your request and although I do not visit a church, my spiritual practice is alive and well. Thank you too for the reminder.

Mickey: I doubt you've got nothing to say! Ever!

Love to you all