Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cupcake Confidential

It was not the early morning hour that she minded the most. She always awoke a few moments before the 4:30 alarm and quickly shut the clock off so not to disturb the light sleepers in the other bedroom. Pre-dawn was one of her most favorite times of the day. It was the hour that god listened to insomniacs prayers and if listening carefully, when answers given. There was a special silence that to the unaccustomed could cause terror. But this was what she loved. The quiet. Peace and quiet.

No, it was not the early hour she minded. She made peace with the hour before accepting the position at the cupcake shop. That was part of the job; part of the cupcake world she entered. Another world was awake at that hour getting ready for the day ahead. Construction workers, breakfast cooks, baristas, hospital nurses sleepily dressed themselves quietly leaving their homes to catch the first train of the day. Many worked two jobs, one early 6 AM to 2 PM the other 3 PM to 11 PM then rode the two trains home for a quick shower, rest before rising early to start all over again.

There was an unspoken, quiet understanding between the people on the early train. Her white face stood out at this hour. The working people were caramel colored. White faces didn't appear on the train for a few more hours, at least not until six-thirty.

It wasn't the was the rats.

So much love,
All the way from over here...


- A - C - said...

This would make a very good start for a novel.
I am almost disappointed the post is so short!

take care

Linda S. Silberman said...

AC..thanks for the comment. I have been experimenting with my writing making it shorter, more concise and working in the 3rd person. I wanted more to come out but it was hard work to get these few paragraphs out today...perhaps it will develop into something more.

Lisa said...

RATS!!!! What a great post!

Mickey said...

OMG Andrea read my mind. I was reading this early early this day, lol, and I started banging my head against the keyboard when i finished because I thought there was more. That was sooo freaking great.

DMartini said...

Lovely atmosphere this lines have. And I agree with Andrea, it'd be a good start for a novel - any continuation in sight, perhaps? ;)