Monday, August 16, 2010

Linda in Cupcake Land Prelude

Once upon a time, in a place far, far away there lived a peaceful tribe of people on the beautiful island of Manahatta.  One day, the chief awoke from a disturbing dream. Buffalo woman came to him performing the sacred spiral dance and he felt the herd run far far away clearing a gigantic path for any who wish to follow.  When the dust settled, there were many dead.  Those who remain stood in shock.  As the sun rose, the Eagle called out to the Red Man, calling him towards the sunrise.  To remember that the beginning will come.  The destruction will end.  The abundance will begin.  And as the dream ended, the chief found a feather by his head as a physical reminder to stay connected to Eagle. 

Then a few years passed......

1 comment:

Lisa said...

And THEN what happened?