Sunday, November 30, 2008

Release Forms

I just received release forms for my poem "Beloved" which will be published in a poetry anthology early next year. I'd forgotten about my contribution and thought the project was either lost or it was forgotten; something to not get off the ground. So I will begin 2009 with publication.


It is a rainy Sunday morning in Brooklyn and I have the house all to myself for the first time since I moved in. I've had the pleasure of sitting on the couch (which I don't usually get to do) and free-range of the kitchen.

I think I'll spend the day looking for a new place to live. These sorts of things shouldn't be something that one is allowed to do every so often, but rather every day. I especially miss cooking.

Off to Craigslist!

So much love,
All the way from over here....


- A - C - said...

Well, congratulations!!!! It is about time you get some luck back...

merry searching for the new apartment

Anne S. said...

It will be so exciting to see your work in print! Congratulations again.

Crossing my fingers and hoping that you find a much more suitable place to live soon.

Lisa said...

Many congratulations! And good luck with the search!

Mickey said...


Just to let you know, I changed a word in that poem lol


Im finishing that jacket during christmas break! can't wait to send pictures! Its cool here and I get to wear it.

Linda S. Silberman said... guys are all so supportive. I feel very blessed. Thank you. I mailed the form off today...needed stamps, and it felt really good to know that I will be published soon. I guess the book is for charity and when I get my copy, I'll let you know.

I haven't written again because I've been fighting the blues down here on Wall Street. The downward market is really a can feel it everywhere.

It's mighty depressing...but I can't let it bring me down.

Loving you all...